Quantum of Despair

O the wonders of quantum physics

And the race to reach the Quantum Supremacy!

Is it raining?

Not just zeros and ones, dumb digital computers,

But quantum computers! Zeros and ones in all directions,

In all possibilities in being and not-being, here and not-here,

Here and there exponentially by who knows what and how much!

The rain falls now, it is so soft and nostalgic, a taste of beauty…

And the quantum raises the questions of teleportation,

Of travelling back in time and going forward into the future!

This is my son, he looks so much like me... Who was my grand-grand-father?

All these wondrous and delicious propositions of Planck and Einstein!

And now come Haikus and Tyssons and all of them brilliant minds,

O, had we discovered how to prolong life absurdly into immortality

We still coud’ve had Mr. Feynman here to help us further!

It hurts so badly how could she treat me so poorly…

Zoom, zang, zung, zing! Waves upon waves upons waves of infinitesimal calculations,

to the cubus! No, to the 500th potency! Spinning, dwelling in strings that are not just strings,

but the movement up and down, forth and back, vibrating, in all possibilities in all universes!

Who am I and why do I exist?

Yes, yes, not just one universe, but millions of universes, my dears,

Quantities without end, universes without end, quantum, yes, yes, Masters of earth,

Quanta! Forever quanta spinning, spinning, to give us more and more and more!

This sunday’s sun of autumn penetrate my window with so much grace… I’ll walk the old neighborhood,

Naught! All! Everything! Nothing! Together, together spinning on,

what’s the best way to tie a shoelace? Remember the knot father taught us?

Spin in me, ache in me, o you Quantum of Quanta supreme perfection of God’s equation

The mistery of the atom that I could have in my hand and then

And then what?


Purify the world from hunger, and poverty,

And disease and ignorance and all evil. Let us be who we are:

New gods with leaping particles and waves at the palm of our hands!

O Heavens, so many mistakes, life has past by me. Where is my heart of hearts?

Let us then purify, no more evil, catch all criminals, catch all viruses and expurge them,

Catch all lies and all truths and throw it out the window: it can be as we wish!

So we can live forever and ever, happily ever after, no more pain, no more suffering,

No more nothing, just bliss into mastering the universe, having it on the palm of our hand,

Masters of matter, masters of atoms, no hell anymore, no religion,

No morals, no nothing, just the absolute bliss of human achievement!

Why do I feel so guilty? And why do I suddenly hate humanity?

Who needs God, who needs the catholics? And the protestants?

Who needs justification and sense and meaning? We give meaning,

We manage matter to be what we want it to be,

Not only we master one universe, we master all universes!

We are a confusion and an effervescent flux into a one universe of universes!

I just want to find myself… I almost forgot my name, and my birthday, and how I sound…

I am just so grateful for the rain right now, shall we dance in it for a minute or two?

There are millions of universes, and possibilities, and Allness,

We could be at the edge of tomorrow:

Come ride with me little devil of mine,

You see:

In a parallell universe, I am a girl, and in another, a boy,

And in another a horse, and in another a rock,

I am all of this at the same time: a rock, a horse, a boy, a girl, a butterfly!

I am air, water, earth, a fish, a turtle I am whateverness,

I am all that spinning, mixing, fucking, chilling, going wild.

I cannot endure this state of mind, let me have them white powders,

Just to calm my nerves, just to calm them a little…

Sugar, flour, cocaine! Fine things to animate my blood!

Thank you Industry! Thanks a lot!

Let me have it, in a parallell universe, those sweet pleasures,

Let me be anything, and everything all at once!

I miss my childhood… Everything was so simple… I miss my one true love…O sweet Elaine!

Or let me be nothing! Yes, nothingness is so much better,

All of this left me with nothing in my heart,

All of this quanta was not but a nil in my heart,

I feel cold, and defeated somehow by them possibilities,

I feel miserable, in hell, limited, nothing, vain…

Death seems so much more appealing,

Because it is quiet…

Then I could fly off to another universe where nothing of this is real,

And I am in peace.

Because if all universes exist,

And I could be anything anywhere else,

Why am I attaching so much importance to this universe?

Maybe this is the shittiest one.

Someone save us… Please, save us from ourselves…

I will call Elaine, certainly, and make peace with her.

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